Irregular Regularity

I know that there are not a lot of people following this blog so far, and that's okay except for one thing. When I started, I committed to being regular about getting updates out at least once each week. I was initially reluctant to make such a commitment and that is why it took me almost a year to decide to start. Even at that, I only started after I was finished with school and after we had moved to our new church here in beautiful Barnesville, Ohio.
Now I have another problem. Between now and November 7th we are preparing a pile of paperwork for our church's annual charge conference (think of corporate annual reports) with all the additional meetings, budget making, planning, nominating church officers, etc. Also, between now and December 1st, I have a pile of papers and projects that need to be completed for my application for final ordination in the United Methodist Church. I won't describe the entire assignment but suffice it to say that it's very time consuming. Naturally, neither of these projects have diminished my regular workload.
With all that out in the open, I apologize for not keeping this blog up to date. I made a commitment and I'm not keeping it. I will try to post as I can, and hopefully, will get back on track after these big projects are finished.

Thanks for understanding.
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